The Business of Spirituality

Two thousand-plus years ago, we had Oracles, Seers, and Temple Priestesses. You’d be hard-pressed to find any Oracles wondering how they would make rent this month. Nor did your friendly local Temple Priestess of Athena have to wonder where her next meal would come from. These skilled healers and teachers would be financially taken care … Read more

Rise of the Spiritual Influencer: Insta-Healers

In the swirling vortex (or cesspool, depending on who you speak to) of spirituality and self-improvement, a new trend has emerged, one that mixes dubious ancient wisdom with modern marketing plus the lure of an unrealistic, aspirational lifestyle to create something that feels egregious to those who quietly do spiritual work to better themselves and … Read more

A Place of Woo-You

Maria and Sean speak about how the world of healing can be treacherous and how Suddenly Spiritual aims to provide real, honest, practical spiritual knowledge and wisdom for the true seekers among us. The goal is to ignite the Divine human within each listener, raising the collective consciousness of our planet. We will challenge your preconceptions, … Read more

Flute Meditation Music

Swami Haridas sang this raga to bring Lord Krishna from heaven to earth. Since Lord Krishna represents wisdom, energy and positive emotions, this raga signifies these qualities. Listening to raga Vrindavani Sarang boosts your wisdom and positive energy within your body to tackle the challenges of the day. This melody also enhances your mood.

Night Ragas For Meditation

Gandharva Veda music is said to attune the mind and body with the cycles of nature. The melodies are played at different times of the day according to their inherent qualities. It is the eternal music of nature – the rhythms and melodies of nature expressed as music. In Ayurveda, Gandharva Veda has long been … Read more

Afternoon Ragas For Meditation

Gandharva Veda music is said to attune the mind and body with the cycles of nature. The melodies are played at different times of the day according to their inherent qualities. It is the eternal music of nature – the rhythms and melodies of nature expressed as music. In Ayurveda, Gandharva Veda has long been … Read more

Morning Ragas For Meditation

Gandharva Veda music is said to attune the mind and body with the cycles of nature. The melodies are played at different times of the day according to their inherent qualities. It is the eternal music of nature – the rhythms and melodies of nature expressed as music. In Ayurveda, Gandharva Veda has long been … Read more

Brain Hemisphere Sync

Brain coherence creates homeostasis in your central nervous system and allows for more flexibility in thinking. You are able to draw upon the strengths of your brain in both the analytical and creative sense, increased peacefulness and clarity of mind, increased sports performance, memory, health, emotional stability, focus, less stress, better sleep, allowance for super … Read more